The Chatterbox

Your one stop for all things child speech, language and communication skills!

Do you have questions about ‘where to start’ or how best to nurture the speech, language and communication skills of your child or a child you educate?  If so, the Chatterbox is the place for you.  We aim to answer these questions and build capacity in both parents and educators to support the development of communication skills for all children.

Talking Time with your Child…Make it an Atomic Habit

I have recently been reflecting upon how our daily habits all contribute to our long term health and wellbeing after reading the bestselling book 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear.  For those of you who attended our face to face Learn2Communicate events throughout the Central West of NSW earlier in [...]

Many Ways to use our Fun Friends Cards

So many ways to use our Fun Friends deck of cards for listening and talking development. Asking questions, listening, providing rich descriptions and learning about emotions.... We love resources that have plenty of different applications and this is definitely one of them! Order your copy from our website [...]

Moving from First … to Next

Moving from one activity to the next can be a challenge for many children. Difficulties can be exacerbated when children need to move from a preferred activity to something not preferred …

Moving from ‘c..a..t’ to ‘cat’

Does your child sound out words fairly accurately only to then struggle to ‘blend’ the sounds together in order to read the word accurately? Examples of this might sound like “t..e..n…….top” or “s…i…t…..tea”.

My child won’t practice with me at home!

Ahhh yes, this is such a frequently expressed comment from parents that we hear week in and week out at Learn2Communicate.  Sadly, the mere mention of a home programme can result in many parents either groaning or running for the hills!