Every child can become an Effective Communicator
Speech Pathologists working together with Educators and Carers to help children develop speech, language and communication skills.
At Learn2Communicate, we provide much more than just Speech Pathology services for children. We equip Parents and Educators with vital knowledge, capacity and skills to nurture the speech, language and communication skills of all children.
The ability to communicate effectively is the most important skill we will develop in a life time. Communication enables our true participation in society and is what connects us to others.
Sadly up to 20% of children start school with difficulties in speech and/or language with many of these children then struggling to develop peer relationships, literacy and learning.
Our mission is to see every child be provided with the opportunity to become an effective communicator.

Clinic Locations
Learn2Communicate Speech Pathology was established in Central West NSW in 2012.
Learn2Communicate email is checked twice daily and responded to, wherever possible, within 24 hours
Info for Parents
Does my child need help?
Free Resources
Speech Pathology
Our services are of the highest quality and are nurturing, fun and individualised. Speech Pathology Services are provided in Orange and Cowra NSW clinics as well as via Telehealth using Zoom.
Learn2Communicate Speech Pathology has been well established and highly regarded across the Central West of NSW since 2012.
Our speech pathologists and allied health assistants are committed and determined each and every day to making a meaningful and significant contribution to the lives of children and families in our care. Our services are of the highest quality and are provided in a nurturing, fun and caring manner. Services are provided in Orange and Cowra NSW as well as via Telehealth using Zoom.

Info for Educators
The ability to communicate effectively is the most important skill we will develop in a life time.
Communication enables our true participation in society and is what connects us to others.
The role Educators play
A child’s Educator is often the first port of call for parents.
Parents are often concerned about their child’s development but don’t know where or who to go to for help.
It is of vital importance that Educators have the knowledge, tools and skills at their fingertips to provide Parents with accurate information and advice regarding speech and language development. Early Intervention is crucial.
Learn2Communicate has developed a range of user friendly, practical and evidence-based resources and courses to assist educators in identifying, referring and nurturing the communication skills of children. Karen Trengove (Speech Pathologist and Director – Learn2Communicate) provides regular workshops around Australia for educators and is also developing a range of online courses and webinars for Educators. All training aims to build educator skill, capacity and confidence to make a significant difference to the lives of children with speech, language and learning challenges.
Learn2Communicate provides services for children who have NDIS plans.
We can provide services for children aged up to the age of 18 years whose NDIS plans are either Plan or Self-Managed.
We look forward to working closely with you over the coming weeks and months to develop a programme of activities and schedule of supports that will assist your child to participate in their community with greater success and independence.
Interesting Facts
The ability to communicate is the most important skill we will develop in our lifetime.