The Chatterbox

Your one stop for all things child speech, language and communication skills!

Do you have questions about ‘where to start’ or how best to nurture the speech, language and communication skills of your child or a child you educate?  If so, the Chatterbox is the place for you.  We aim to answer these questions and build capacity in both parents and educators to support the development of communication skills for all children.

A Lazy Talker?

We hear this so often in our work as Speech Pathologists; a comment often made or question posed by parents or educators about children who have speech, language and communication challenges. Yes, children may have delays in their development. They may have specific challenges in areas of communication.  They [...]

Do Ear Infections affect Speech Development?

"Has your child had a history of ear infections?" "Has your child had a hearing test recently?" These are two questions we frequently ask Educators and Parents when they call us to enquire about Speech Pathology services for a child. Middle Ear Infections are very common in children, especially [...]

Why Vocabulary is Key

Possessing a strong vocabulary is just one of those things that will help you to get wherever you want to go in life. There are well documented connections between the size and quality of your vocabulary whilst still at school and your income level in the future. Vocabulary size [...]

My child has started to Stutter

Stuttering is a relatively common communication disorder that affects 1-2% of the population and impacts the fluency or flow of speech. Children who stutter have difficulty saying what they want to using smooth or fluent speech.  Unfortunately the onset of stuttering in young children can cause much worry and [...]

Does my child have Dyslexia?

I think my child might have Dyslexia. What does this mean and where do I even start? Gosh...we hear this so often when concerned parents contact us seeking help for their children. Dyslexia is one of those words that unfortunately has so many myths and misinformation associated with it.  [...]

Late Talkers

My Toddler is Not Talking Yet. Should I be concerned?  What can I do to help? These are comments and questions that we hear quite frequently when concerned parents contact us at Learn2Communicate.  So many parents have, what they describe as, a niggling doubt about their child’s speech and [...]