We can provide services for children aged up to the age of 18 years whose NDIS plans are either Plan or Self-Managed.
We look forward to working closely with you over the coming weeks and months to develop a programme of activities and schedule of supports that will assist your child to participate in his/her community with greater success and independence.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can provide all people with disability with information and connections to services in their communities such as doctors, sporting clubs, support groups, libraries and schools, as well as information about what support is provided by each state and territory government.
Find out more at: ndis.gov.au/
There is an online eligibility checklist to see if you or a family member qualify for NDIS support.
Find out more: www.ndis.gov.au/applying-access-ndis/am-i-eligible
More Info
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can provide all people with disability with information and connections to services in their communities.
These connection include doctors, sporting clubs, support groups, libraries and schools, as well as information about what support is provided by each state and territory government. Find out more at: https://www.ndis.gov.au/