Karen Trengove

About Karen
Karen is passionate about ensuring that all children have the opportunity to develop effective communication skills as learning to communicate is the most important skill we will develop in our lifetime.
This can only be achieved if Speech Pathologists, Parents and Early Childhood Educators work in partnership to nurture children’s speech and language skills. Early Childhood Educators are often the first port of call for a Parent with concerns regarding a child’s speech and language development. Educators must be provided with knowledge and skills regarding speech and language development if they are to provide accurate answers to parent’s questions and support the development of all young children in their care.

Karen’s Qualifications
Karen Trengove (B.App.Sc.Speech Pathology. Hons) is a highly experienced Speech Pathologist who has specialised in working with young children since 1994. She has worked in a variety of settings including education, early intervention, hospitals, community health and private practice in both metropolitan and rural NSW.
Karen has received a Speech Pathology Australia award for her dedication to clinical education of student speech pathologists and continues to enjoy offering clinical education opportunities for university students and supporting new graduate speech pathologists.
Karen accesses regular professional development across Australia to ensure that her work with young children, Parents and Educators always reflects best practice and current research. Karen developed Learn2Communicate in 2012 to provide educators and families with speech pathology services, resources and workshops to help all children become effective communicators.
She uses a range of different approaches to work with children including the Early Start Denver Model, SCERTS and Hanen programmes to individualise her treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Karen also has a special interest in learning disabilities and reading / spelling difficulties and enjoys working with school aged children to improve their literacy outcomes. Karen is an accredited Sounds Write Practitioner and uses this programme to help children with reading and spelling difficulties.